Our Recruiting Process
How do we attract top talent?
- Once the internal recruiter at Olivine receives the job order from the Account Manager, he/she first short lists the candidates from the internal database of over 10000 consultants.
- We identify potential candidates through referrals, LinkedIn, networking events, user groups, conferences, email marketing campaigns, online advertising and direct recruiting.
- Our consultants working at various client locations often are also a very good source for short listing good candidates. We give finders fee to our consultants to motivate them to give good referrals.
How do we screen potential candidates?
Following is our recruiting, testing & screening, training and retention processes.
Testing & Screening:
- Once the candidates are identified, we discuss the requirement with the candidate &
make him/her take an online test. Usually we administer online tests using popular
sites like ProveIT.com, Teckchek.com
- Candidates with good score in the online test are further interviewed by our Subject
Matter Experts
- Candidates who pass the above two tests are then jointly checked by the Resource
- Manager and the Account Manager for good communication skills, positive attitude &
ability to get along with other colleagues
- Following this, reference checks are done from their previous engagements
- Only candidates who pass all the above tests/checks will be presented to the client.
Training; and Retention processes:
Olivine has developed a two-pronged approach to attract, retain and motivate employees.
The HR approach:
- Pay employees fairly and on time
- Treat each and every employee with respect. Show them that we care about them as
persons, not just as workers.
- Half yearly appraisal to evaluate individual and corporate objectives
- Clearly communicate goals, responsibilities and expectations. NEVER criticize in public –
but redirect in private.
- Recognize performance appropriately and consistently:
- Reward outstanding performance (e.g., with promotions and opportunities)
- Do not tolerate sustained poor performance – coach and train or remove!
- Involve employees in planning & decisions, especially those that affect them. Solicit their ideas
and opinions.
- Create opportunities for employees to learn and grow by providing training consistently
- Actively listen to employees concerns – both work-related and personal
- Share information promptly, openly and clearly. Tell the truth… with compassion.
- Celebrate successes and milestones reached –organizational and personal. Create an organizational culture that is open, trusting and fun!
The Account approach:
- Account Manager meets every contractor assigned to his client in person periodically
- Prompt response to all concerns through a dedicated helpdesk
- Employee meet organized by the company for all candidates within a particular geography
- Monthly Newsletters sent to candidates keeping them informed about the company.